Vision & Values

It is our hope to provide a consistent supply of Christianly-formed graduate teachers into Christian schools and improve teacher retention by ensuring graduates are trained in best practice and ready to teach at the end of their studies.

We collaboratively seek to advance Christian education
through teacher training.

We want to see flourishing Christian educators equipped and empowered for teaching in Christian schools in accordance with the following values:


Faithfulness is a relationship of trust. It is believing in the reality of an all-powerful, all knowing, and all wise God who personally and lovingly created the universe. It enables us to confidently move forward in life, not giving way to doubt, fear and hopelessness. Faithfulness enables us to believe in miracles, even in the face of impossible odds. Faithfulness enables us to look at life from an eternal perspective.

Generous Humility

A generous humility is one that is modest, humble, and unpretentious. Just as Christ humbled himself on the cross for our sake, so too, we put God's will and the needs of others before our own. We willingly serve others and accept help when we need it. When we cause hurt, we have the humility to admit it and make amends. We accept the lessons life brings, knowing that mistakes are often our best teachers. Humility is not humiliation. We do not shame ourselves or others with the illusion that we are meant to be perfect. We give our very best, and trust that it is enough. Humility reminds us to be thankful for our successes rather than boastful.


True interdependence recognises that the journey of faith in Christ has both an individual and collective focus. As members of the body of Christ, we are called to build each other up through the gifts of the Spirit God has bestowed upon us. You cannot achieve a genuine relationship with God in isolation beyond a community of mutual support. Interdependence unites the combined capacity of God's people.


Excellence is giving our very best to any task we do and any relationship we have. Within us are many possibilities. Excellence hones our talents and turns them into gifts for the world. Excellence requires us to practise humility by learning from mistakes. Each time we do something, we seek to improve it, to keep raising the bar. Excellence is effort guided by a desire to serve Christ and bring glory to God. It is ongoing mastery. It flows when we are doing what we love. The perfection of a seed is the fruit that grows from it. Excellence in our lives brings our gifts to fruition.